Maintenance, Repair and Operation

Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 3 février 2011

Maintenance, Repair and Operation 4

Maintenance, Repair and Operation is the title given to an audio visual project directed by Refik  Anadol (co-founder of Griduo) in collaboration with Sebastian Neitsch and Tryek.
This performance took place in Linz’s Tabakfabrik during the opening night of Ars Electronica Festival, September 2, 2010.

A superb approach of the mapping.

Maintenance, Repair and Operation 5

Maintenance, Repair and Operation 6

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Erwan Manchec
Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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