Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration

Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 15 décembre 2010

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 17

Raphael Vicenzi is an artist from Belgium and specifically Brussels.
His unusual style combines traditional drawing and watercolor painting to digital illustrations.

He appeared in numerous journals such as Fashion Wonderland, IDEA Design, Computer Arts, Advanced Photoshop, which is pretty impressive when you consider that this is self-taught artist.

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 18

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 19

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 20

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 21

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 22

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 23

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 24

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 25

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 26

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 27

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 28

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 29

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 30

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 31

Rapahel Vicenzi: illustration 32

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Erwan Manchec
Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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