OAT Shoes: Green Fashion

Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 29 mars 2011

OAT Shoes: Green Fashion 5Here is a brand coming up with new concept that will fit to ecologists: OATs Shoes!

Awarded by the Green Fashion Awards on March 3 last, the new Dutch brand is committed to the environment by creating biodegradable sneakers.

What is this? These shoes, once they are “finished” will be burried in your garden!

In fact, these sneakers will deteriorate once you have buried them and will have no negative impact on the environment.

For the moment there are no online sales but in the meantime you can still get your shovel in tools shop.


For more informations, go on their fan page (https://www.facebook.com) or their website (http://www.oatshoes.com/).


“What we do, what we say, what we make, use or throw out has an impact, however big or small”



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Erwan Manchec
Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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