Julia: Graphic Design Studio

Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 21 février 2011

Julia: Graphic Design Studio 8

Julia is a young graphic design studio based in London created by three student of the prestigious Royal College of Art: Vallerio Di Lucente, Hugo Timm and Erwan Lhuissier.
They implement original typographic creations in different media: poster, web edition, with a special affection for the cultural field: fashion magazines, artist books …
The ultimate stuff is that we will find in each of their designs simple lines, creating powerful images with very little elements.

Have a look at the Graphic Design World Expo which will be held in Milan for the triennium from 26 January to 27 March, they will be part of it!Julia: Graphic Design Studio 9Julia: Graphic Design Studio 10Julia: Graphic Design Studio 11 Julia: Graphic Design Studio 12 Julia: Graphic Design Studio 13

Julia: Graphic Design Studio 14


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Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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