Interview with Xinobi and new exclusive remix !

Image d'avatar de Adrien LemaireAdrien Lemaire - Le 28 novembre 2014

Interview Xinobi Beware Mag


Just before his show in Paris at Social Club this Saturday, we asked a few questions to Xinobi, aka Bruno Cardoso. Part of the label Discotexas, he just released his album “1975”. We talked with him about this album, Discotexas, his projects for next year….

And about Jonjo Jury, who remixed his track “Real Fake”… that you can listen exclusively on Beware!


Hi Bruno, to begin can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, I’m Bruno, I live in Lisbon, Portugal. I do music under the name “Xinobi”. I like guitars, pineapples, lego, vinyl records, Mexican and Indian food.


You released your debut album “1975” last month, how long have you been working on it? Are you happy with the response so far?

Although the album has songs based on ideas I had stored in the past 3 years, most of the work was done in around 6 months. I’m happy because I ain’t got no negative feedback so far. Maybe those who don’t like it did not express themselves. I was kind of anxious about having it out and getting feedback, because it’s my first album and it is really diverse and sometimes it goes out of the “dance music” box I got known for. Some of the aesthetics were born out of me experimenting with new ideas and not focusing so much on making tracks that would please a crowd on peak time. Still, I have some great (not so obvious) bangers and dancefloor shakers on the album.


 Let’s talk about Discotexas’ latest release, Jonjo Jury’s EP. Can you tell us more about this artist?

First of all Jonjo Jury is a great guy. Second, He has been part of the legendary Trash and Durr nights as Lovely Jonjo, alongside with people like Erol Alkan and Rory Phillips. All great references to start with, ah?

He has his own club night nowadays – Hot Boy Dancing Spot – which has grown a significative cult. Eventually he started doing music, remixing Is Tropical and Crystal Fighters. Then he joined Discotexas for his debut Ep. A great one.


 We’re premiering a remix Jonjo Jury did for you… You like it? And we also know that you’re remixing him, how’s is your creative process as a remixer?

Of course. He gave a total new cerebral twist to my track “Real Fake”. It’s less sunny than the original. I think it really fits a Jonjo aesthetics. And yes, on the other hand, I’m remixing him. It’s almost finished. The creative process is a basic one. Go into the studio at 6 p.m., I try some keys or guitar chords over the original track till I reach a good starting riff. After that I’ll probably drop some of the stems and keep only a few elements of the original track. Then, I buy some soft drink and snacks have some random chat with friends at the next door studio, work a little bit more and find a proper groove, till around 4 a.m. That’s the perfect time to go home on a bicycle ride.


Apart from your Discotexas mates, which Portuguese artists should we listen to?

You should definitely check Sensible Soccers, Jibóia, Sequin, Paus, Filho da Mãe, Duquesa, Savanna, Dead Combo, Legendary Tigerman, Capicua, Juba… Just to name a few. Portugal has entered a great era of new music. There’s so many new talent, countless quality. Actually I think we’re having a period where quantity matches quality.


Are you excited to play at Social Club in Paris this weekend? Last time you came in Paris was for Moullinex live, right? (it was pretty amazing!)

Super excited for Saturday. I’ve played in Paris in the past, but it’s my first time at Social Club, so I can’t wait. Last time was with Moullinex, it was really good, it was part of a mini-tour and the show went great and we had amazing burgers for dinner.


 What are your projects for 2015?

I want 2015 to be better than 2014, which can be difficult because I consider 2014 of the best years of my life. Or at least one of the most important ones. I definitely want to take my album “1975” on tour, and show it to as much people as possible. I want to make more and better music. I’ll also have my wedding, I’ll marry a french girl – this is not a joke.


 Thanks Bruno! See you on Saturday at Social Club!

See you on the dance-floor… dancing.


Xinobi will be playing at Social Club this Saturday with Justin Faust and Jonjo Jury! In the meantime, listen to his album below:


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