Sander Meisner: urban photographer

Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 3 février 2011

Sander Meisner: urban photographer 7

Sander Meisner (1979) is a self-taught photographer living and working in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Camera in hand he seeks beauty in sadness and despair of the viaducts, construction and industrial areas, it creates some tension by photographing these places from an unexpected angle, ventures into the city to discover the beauty within abandoned corners.

is trying to do more than simply capture the reality he tries to modify it, transform it, so that it generates an angle that allows it to build attitudes, new ideas and identities.
Sander describes the infrastructure of the urban environment and transforms it into objects of desire.

The lack of exposure and longer exposure adds a side effect and any interaction of human motion becomes completely invisible.



Sander Meisner: urban photographer 8



Sander Meisner: urban photographer 9

Sander Meisner: urban photographer 10

Sander Meisner: urban photographer 11

Sander Meisner: urban photographer 12


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Erwan Manchec
Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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