
Image d'avatar de ErwanErwan Manchec - Le 3 février 2011

Ghost 4

Ghost is an independent short film shot in Viborg.
The simplicity of the story allowed us to focus on the visual universe of the film.
There is also no dialogue to highlight the somber mood and agonizing ambience.

Actors: Alberthe Skovborg Hansen, Frederik Knuth-Winterfeldt, Julie Skibelund Schou

Producers: Tobias Gundorff Boesen, Andreas Berg
Direction & Story: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
DOP: Andreas Berg
Lighting: Mikkel Sigsgaard
Assistants: Anton Iversen, Jesper Karstensen

Sound Design: Thomas Arent Andersen
Editing: Sara Bøgh
Post & Artdirection: Tobias Gundorff Boesen

Ghost 5

Ghost 6

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Erwan Manchec
Article écrit par :
Fondateur de Beware & Explorateur urbain depuis 2017 Ex photographe, actuellement CEO de Heave Studio

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