Desktopography 2010 : Nature’s Design on Your Desktop

Image d'avatar de Heaven ParadiseHeaven Paradise - Le 21 décembre 2010

Desktopography 2010 : Nature's Design on Your Desktop 6

We all waited for it, well there it goes, the 6th edition of Desktopohraphy is now out, this non-profit project that’s now exist for 5 yers, wich aims to make your screen have a breath of fresh air. A late arrival for the 2010 edition but well worth the effort.

Desktopography 2010 : Nature's Design on Your Desktop 7

Pete Harrison and his team provides us, as every year, a bevy of beautiful wallpaper of all types, from photo-manipulation to three-dimensional rendering wich fit successfully to their purpose !

Pupose that, for the creator of the project, is to make a series of wallpapers wich are bringing  serenity andt beauty to our screens symbolizing the nature. An important things for Peter, because Designers and Programmers spend, as he said, over 90% of teir waking time in front of their computers and also because what we see everyday can affect our mood and mindset. The project also aims to allow Designers to refine their art by creating wallpaper for different platforms.

Desktopography 2010 : Nature's Design on Your Desktop 8 Desktopography 2010 : Nature's Design on Your Desktop 9 Desktopography 2010 : Nature's Design on Your Desktop 10

The project is also accompanied by two music albums covering the different sounds that have appeared on the website as a background sound !

I will let you see the complete 2010 edition but also to the article that we had written about the last year’s edition. You can also discover or rediscover the previous editions to them directly on the project website.

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